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All About Eve
All About Eve
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Star Magic Freezes the Starlet Eve 2

11/30/24 3:55 AM18 min837 MBmp41080p
Price17.99 EUR
CategoryReal Doll
Related CategoriesStuck,Transformation Fetish
KeywordsReal Doll


Evangeline is a famous rocker who has agreed to allow Star to photograph her.

Star is notorious for getting impossible shots of clients and getting people to shoot racy controversial content.

Eve assure her publicist that she won't let Star talk her into anything racy.

When Star arrives she takes one picture using her magic camera and Eve is frozen solid.Star then starts undressing Eve and posing her for shots.

taking off her clothes and putting her in erotic positions, all along kissing and groping Eve.Eventually Star gets undressed herself and starts to use Eves body as her sex toy.

She doesn't forget to take pictures of the sex though, they will make for a great pictorial in a sex magazine!

After Star is done she redresses and unfreezes Eve, thanks her for her time, and then leaves Eve unaware.

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